Friday, 8 November 2013



Just checked on my whatsapp and suddenly I got a notification. Ada mesej dari seorang kawan. Herm. Lebih dari seorang kawan sebenarnya. We used to share the day and nights together. But then, yah. Things just happen, kan. Somehow we got ourselves lost, even we are still on the same track. Paving our own path. How ironic, isn’t it?

Okay, that’s not the story -_-

She was curious to know about me. I mean, I okay atau tak.

Aku pun pelik.
Yelah. Tiba-tiba aje kn.

But then she said, she had a dream about me. The exact dream for 3 days. 3 days in a row. And it wasn’t a good dream.

So I asked, what’s the dream all about?

She said,

She saw me. She saw that I was in my hard times, facing something complicated that stop me from having a good life. Then, we both went to see a guy. A man, actually. I asked the man for some water. And I actually asked him to mix up 3 different types of water. He gave me the water. She saw my face as I was receiving the water and she said that my face showed that I was in a great pain.

Such a strange dream kan. And she dreamt that untuk 3 hari. Benda yang sama. Sebijik.

As I rasa sangat pelik, so I pulak tanya dia,

Was I the one who ask for the water or he insisted me for that?
- I asked for the water.

The man, whom we went to, was he a Malay and how old was he?
- She wasn’t sure about the race, but the man is in middle 40.

Was the water incarnated?
- She was not sure.

Did I drank the water?
- No.

Where did we met the man, was it in a house, in a forest or at a free land?
- She was not sure.

As we are not in a very likely situation as before, I have to admit, I was quite shocked lah kan tetiba dia kasi whatsapp macam tu. Masa mula-mula dia cakap dia mimpi yang tak baik pasal me, I ingat dia mimpi I mati ke apa. Sebab orang cakap kalau kita mimpi orang tu mati means orang tu akan panjang umur. And generally if kita mimpi yang buruk pasal orang tu, biasanya it means kebaikan utk org tu. But I am not so sure about this. Plus, mimpi yang sama untuk 3 hari kot.

Itulah, dia ada jugak pesan,

Hidup baik-baik. Jaga diri. Jaga maruah. Solat jangan tinggal. Jangan cepat percaya dekat orang.

She said that she just want to make sure that I am okay. She was worried sick for me.

And she also said this,

“Whatever it takes, whatever happened between us, I still do care about you, Ain.”


I stayed up all night long trying to figure out what is behind the dream. My rumie, kak fa pesan jangan fikir sangat. Mimpi tu mainan tidur je. Plus, I dengan dia pulak macam ada selisih faham kan. But the thing is, mimpi tak semua mainan tidur. Ada mimpi yang bawa maksud, bawa erti.

Takut. Aku tak tahu kenapa, but I do feel scared. I am afraid. Afraid of… I don’t even know  what am I frightened of -.-

Bilik kitorang terang sampai ke pagi. I sengaja biar lampu tu pasang. Kak fa pesan kalau still tak sedap hati, istighfar Ain, zikir biar sampai terlelap. Biar nama Allah tu yang bermain dekat bibir, dekat lidah kita. I buat, and rasa tu kurang sikit. Tapi betul, takut bila fikir. And kipas malam tadi  pulak I rasa lain, macam angin yang betul-betul depan muka. Tapi I taknak bukak mata. I takut. I just berselubung dalam selimut, dalam terang bilik tu, tutup mata, tutup muka, berpeluh-peluh sambil istighfar, sambil zikir. I think I ada terlelap, but most of the time, I sedar. Even bunyi cengkerik kat luar bilik pun I dengar setiap satu. Bunyi angin, bunyi orang berjalan pergi toilet.

Ataupun tu kesan sebab I tengok 3 horror movies eh? And tetiba pulak dapat tahu orang mimpi pasal kita macam tu kan. 

Ada maksud ke mimpi tu ya?


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